

10 Annoying Little Things

Things that annoy you, but happen so often it is unacceptable.

1. When you've made yourself comfortable and realize you have to pee.

2. When someone is typing you a message, but never finishes it.

3. When you are done washing all the dishes and realize you forgot a pan.

4. When you are about to sneeze but it goes away. (I remember once I was in the middle of eating, I dropped everything to grab a tissue and cover my nose, then I didn't sneeze argh.)

5. When you are in a hurry and your computer starts updating.

6. When you forget to buy that one thing you need.

7. When you hit your pinky toe.

8. Leaving the shower and realize your towel is not there.

9. When your sock slips off your foot. (This is extremely annoying if you are outside. It happened to me once when I was on a field trip. I had to pull my socks up almost every 5 minutes.)

10. This


Do You Know: What Does Your Eye Colour Say About You?

Our eyes are the windows to our soul and scientist have found a way to link eye colour and personality. I came across this video from Brainy on Facebook and it described the personalities possibly associated with each eye colour. I used to think my eyes were black for the longest time, until one time, I saw them in the sun and they were brown. I wish I had prettier eye colours like blue or green. I used to know a girl in my elementary school and she told me her eyes would change colour depending on the light.

Anyways, let's jump right into the personality traits. There are 4 eye colours: brown, blue, green, and hazel. Your eye colour could determine what your personality is like because the irises in our eyes are linked to a gene in our frontal lobes. Just for your information, the frontal lobe is in control of our memory, sexual behaviour, and emotional facial expressions.

Emma Watson!!!
Brown eyes are the most common eye colour in the world. People with brown eyes tend to be practical, outgoing, responsible, agreeable, and are less likely to struggle with addiction.

Blue eyes all come from the same ancestors and are the 2nd most common eye colour in the world. People with blue eyes tend to be more competitive with peers, highly intellectual. self-sufficient, moody, and have a higher pain-tolerance.

Jennifer Lawrence!!!
Grey eyes are not actually grey. They are blue, but can appear a darker or lighter hue depending on how much melanin is in the iris. People with grey eyes tend to be hard workers, standoffish, courageous, stubborn, and like to stick to status quo.

Green eyes are the one of the rarest and most desired eye colour. People with green eyes tend to be impulse, patient, creative, mysterious and perform well under pressure.

Hazel eyes like to change to change colour, so depending on the lighting and what you are wearing, they can seem one colour and then another. People with hazel eyes tend to be risk takers, sensitive, witty, self-tempered, and unpredictable.


Do You Know: Stop Your Diet Soda

I found this pretty interesting video on Facebook from Tapoos and thought I share it with you guys. If any of you prefer to drink diet soda, you can keep some of these things in mind when you drink. There are no studies that indicate any long-term health risks from drinking diet soda, so don't worry too much about it xD

Anyways, study reveals that regular consumption of diet soda increases the intake of calorie rich food. Diet soda contains fake sweeteners that can increase the production of insulin causing type 2 diabetes. Diet soda also increase the chance of heart attack and stroke heart attack. Hyperactivity, insomnia, and sleep fragmentation are some side effects of diet soda.

I never liked diet soda. My logic is that if you are going to drink soda, go all the way, drink the regular one. What are your thoughts?


Random Shower Thoughts

1. USB sounds like a plan if USA fails.

2. If two people on opposite sides of the world each drop a piece of bread, the earth briefly becomes a sandwich

3. The only time the word "incorrectly" isn't spelled incorrectly is when it is spelled incorrectly.

4. "Go to bed, you will feel better in the morning" is the human version of "Did you turn it off and turn it back on again?"

5. If your shirt isn't tucked into your pants, then your pants are tucked into your shirt.

6. Your stomach thinks all potato is mashed.

7. When a pregnant woman swims, she is a human submarine.

8. In order to fall asleep, you have to pretend to be asleep.

9. |Your right hand never touched your right elbow.

10. We will never hear about the truly perfect crime.


Do You Know: Yuka Kinoshita?

I came across Yuka Kinoshita one day when I was browsing around Youtube. I was attracted by the title of her video. She is a Japanese Youtuber and competitive eater. She started her Youtube channel in 2014 and have been competing in Japanese competitive eating competitions since 2009. Her videos are in Japanese and there are English subtitles. She is already 31 years old, but she looks like she is around her early 20s. I need to know her secrets to her skincare routine xD

Look at the amount of bread...
In her channel, she eats insane amount of food. For example there are videos of her eating 36 Krispy creme donuts, 10 McDonald Victory Burgers and 10 Victory Fries, 3 whole pies, 10 packs of cheese ramen and the list goes on. The incredible thing about Yuka is that she is still so skinny after all eating all these food and her body manages to digest everything.

If you guys are interested in seeing her videos, I included the link down below. She shows herself everything in the entire video, so you can watch her eat all those food from beginning to end. I remember watching her once when I was hungry and honestly after she was done, I felt full too; it was just way too much food even for my eyes to handle :P

Yuka Kinoshita's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/kinoyuu0204/featured


Art of Paper Cutting: Pig

I have a few good friends born in the year of pig. I seem to bond with them really well, maybe it is just luck or it has something to do with their personality.

People born in the year of pig are found to be sincere and upright; therefore, they maintain a good relationship with others. They are kind, innocent, direct, and full of justice. They tend to have good manners and they are friendly towards others. They can tolerate sarcasm and endure anything bad that comes in their way.

People born in the year of pig are smart, though that sounds a bit ironic. They are easygoing and do not need to work very hard to make their living. They usually have a calm and happy family.Their friendships are usually long-lasting and they care a lot for their friends. So if you have anyone around you that are born in the year of pig, grab them and make them your friend ;)

Relationship for people born in the year of pig are usually very smooth and they have a harmonious family. Single people will also have good love opportunities, just remember to observe carefully around you~

This pig looks really chubby...and those cutouts look like combs xD


Art of Paper Cutting: Dog

If I were to choose between a dog or cat for a pet, I would definitely go for the dog. I have always been a dog person, but don't get me wrong, I do think cats are super cute as well. Sometimes I see cat videos on Facebook and those cats will grab your hand to pet them. However, I think most cats are just colder in general. Dogs are always full of energy and if you have a large dog, they can also protect you.

After I shared my opinions on dogs, let's talk about the people born in the year of dog. They are found to be honest and loyal, just like dogs...They are responsible and will do everything to the best of their abilities. They are straightforward, brave, humble, friendly, and sympathetic. People born in the year of dog are respected by others and their intuitions are usually right. They make a very faithful partner in love and they are usually the one sacrificing for the other person in relationship.

The head of dog reminds me of mickey mouse xD

Next blog, paper cut of pig!


Art of Paper Cutting: Rooster

Sorry that I haven't been posting for a few days. You all must have been dying to look at the paper cut of rooster right? ;) I know a few people born in the year of rooster and I don't seem to bond with them very well. Maybe people born in the year of rooster and people born in the year of rat can't get along peacefully...what are your thoughts?

People born in the year of rooster are found to be firm, quick-minded, stubborn and impatient. They are good with their words, so they are usually the ones convincing others in a debate. They prefer a luxurious lifestyle and other people usually find them fashionable. Every task that they perform, they will be very concentrated on it until they finish.  People born in the year of rooster are brave, active, and generous, so they usually have a lot of friends. One advice for relationships: even when you are busy with work, remember to show care to your lover and let them know you haven't neglected them.

This rooster is quite detailed as well, especially the tail. Those tiny line cut outs must be hard to do :O

Next blog, paper cut of dog!


Art of Paper Cutting: Monkey

Three of my cousins are born in the year of monkey, one older than me and two younger. I also have a few classmates born in the year. This year is actually the year of monkey. When I was little, I always thought it's the year you are born in, you will have good luck because it is "your" year. However after hearing from my parents and most of my classmates, apparently when it is your year, things won't go as smoothly. For example, if you are born in the year of monkey and this year is the year of monkey, you may face major obstacles in health, job, or studies. Therefore, girls will wear red undergarments during new years to try to counter this bad luck.

People born in the year of monkey are found to be very smart and active. They are perform well in competitions and can react quickly according to the situation. They can easily get along with someone they just met. They can compromise with others, but does not like to be controlled by others. People who are born in the year of monkey are found to have a talent in acting and they can be very good at promoting sales. They like to read and have a great memory. Moreover, they are very respectful towards elders. These traits sure do sound like one of my cousin xD

The monkey is holding a peach...but it looks more like a Chinese paper fan to me.
Next blog, paper cut of rooster!


Art of Paper Cutting: Goat

Have you ever heard of the saying, a wolf with goat's skin? I'm not sure if I translated it right, but this quote originated from China. This quote means is that sometimes a person may seem really weak and harmless on the outside, but deep inside they are really evil, so don't be fool by someone's appearance, take time to get to know the person before making any conclusion.

Since I'm showing the paper cut of goat in this blog, it reminded me of that quote. I actually know a few people who are like that. If you don't know them really well, you think they are a really nice person, but once you get to know them, their motives are so bad, it disgusts me. Anyways, enough with the lesson, lets talk about the personality of people born in the year of goat.

People born this year are found to be very social and can maintain a good relationship with everyone. They are very kind and tend to sacrifice themselves for the goodness of others. Before taking action, they will consider every aspect and problems they might encounter. They have a strong desire to seek knowledge and can spend money very wisely. People born in the year of goat have a humble appearance and they are love nature. They make a trustworthy partner and can take care of children well. Females born this year usually have a very successful love life while males need to be a little more patient for a happy ending.

I feel like this goat is a female as well, there is even a flower on it :)

Next blog, paper cut of monkey!


Art of Paper Cutting: Horse

My cousin who is 6 years older than me is born in the year of horse. My grandparents always said males born in the year of horse tend to be very good looking, so I guess they brainwashed me into thinking my cousin is really good looking. I have no idea where they got this saying from, but I can't really justify it because I haven't met a second person born in the year of horse.

People born in the year of horse are found to be enthusiastic and easygoing. They are somewhat heroic and like to fight for what is right. They are open minded, have many friends and work well with others. However, they refuse to admit failures and will keep trying until they succeed. People born in the year of horse are talented in many ways. They usually have a strong body with a smart brain. One love advice for people born in the year of horse: don't force things to happen, if it is meant to be, it will happen, just be patient~

This looks like a female horse, anyone agree?
Next blog, paper cut of goat!


Art of Paper Cutting: Snake

My grandma is born in the year of snake and I am born in the year of rat. I am not sure if this is true, but I heard many sayings that if the people is born in the year of your predator, they will bring you bad luck. For example, if person A is born in the year of rat and person B is born in the year of snake, person B will bring bad luck to person A. Well, my grandma has always been super kind to me, so I don't really believe in these kinds of superstitions. Although the sight of snakes gives me chills, but I am pretty sure a lot of people are scared of snakes, so it is not a zodiac thing.

Anyways, let's talk about the personalities of people born in the year of snake. They are appears to be mysterious and romantic. Once they start a task, they will not give up half way, but finish it with the spirit they had in the beginning. They are calm and steady and do not like to show off. They are born with good observation skills and like to care for others. When pursuing their dreams, luck is often in their way, but they also have to work hard. People born in the year of snake think twice before they act and they are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. For relationships, in the beginning it might be rough, but after they overcome the obstacles, it will be a happy ending.

This paper cut art took me a while to find the snake head...it is on the left side in the middle xD
Next blog, paper cutting of horse!


Art of Paper Cutting: Dragon

Dragons do not exist, we are all aware of that right? The past blogs I have been writing are all about real animals, I almost forgot dragons aren't real...I remember reading a book when I was a kid; it said the body of a dragon is composed of 8 different animals. I am pretty sure someone just made it up using their imaginations a long time ago and now it is just passed on as a story.

People born in the year of dragon are found to have great physical strength and full of energy. They like to ponder about things and always have strong ideas to contribute. They are a loyal and romantic partner, so relationships always go smoothly for them. Their ego is big and never like to admit they are wrong. They are also very confident and usually can make a great leader. People born in the year of dragon have a good heart and will never do anything mean or evil. Females born in this year are usually straightforward, understanding, and attractive.

The scales on the dragon and shown through the lines. The details of the face is truly incredible
Next blog, paper cutting of snake!


Art of Paper Cutting: Rabbit

I think the paper cutting for rabbit is the cutest out of the 12, but this could just be my very biased opinion. I will leave that for you guys to judge :)

Let's jump straight into the personality talk. People born the year of rabbit are found to be diligent, gentle, and show great care for others around them. They are gifted in linguistics and can speak very persuasively. Their character is always changing and they have a conservative yet clear mind. They prefer their love life to be simple without any conflicts (who doesn't?). In life, they are very social and have a lot of things to talk about. They have a good temper and have the ability to easily turn enemies into friends. Also, they are very sympathetic and like to help others, but they have fragile inside and can be easily hurt. When they make decisions, they are bold and not constrained by anything. People born in the year of rabbit are also found to be perfectionist and are really into decorating their home until it suits their elegant standards.

It is quite adorable isn't it~

Next blog, paper cut of dragon!


Art of Paper Cutting: Tiger

Tiger reminds me of Katy Perry's Roar...I have been brainwashed by the radio station. Time for another short story xD How many of you can't tell the difference between a lion and a tiger when you were little? Well my dad couldn't and I thought it was so silly. I remember saying lions have manes, it is so obvious. Then I realized female lions don't and to be honest they do look quite similar; except for the stripes, tigers have stripes.

Anyways back on track, in this blog I will be presenting to you the paper cut of tiger. Like the usual, let's start with the personality of people born in the year of tiger. Keep in mind, not everyone born in the year of tiger will follow these traits...or else the world would have just 12 types of people and everyone would be too predictable.

People born in the year of tiger are brave and take risks. They like to be in the spotlight and showoff and prefer to be praised. However, they are also kind and willing to sacrifice themselves for others. They are stubborn and like to take actions based on random choices. People born in this year are fond of competition and definitely not obedient. If your lover is born in the year of tiger, be careful of the obstacles in your relationship, but we all know as long as there is love, all these troubles are nothing~

Look at those leaves (I think they are leaves), they are so skinny...and the tiger stripes. How is it even possible to hand cut those?!
Next time, paper cut of rabbit!


Art of Paper Cutting: Ox

From my last blog, I showed the extremely detailed paper cut rat. In this blog, before I show the good stuff. Let's talk about the personalities associated with the people born in the year of ox.

My grandfather on my paternal & maternal side are both born in the year of ox as well as my uncle and some of my classmates. These people are found to be prudent, earnest and down to earth. They are not easily influenced by others or the environment and do things the way they want. However, they do think carefully before they act. Their temper resemble an ox, they always make a clear distinction between right and wrong. Finally, they are gentle, kind, idealistic, and have a great perseverance in anything they set their mind to achieve.

Talking about ox, my father told me, when he was a kid, there was an ox that was soon to be slaughtered. However, when it was about to be killed, the ox shred a tear and no one dare to touch the ox after that. They just let it pass away slowly on its own. I don't know if that is true or not, just an interesting story xD

Now for what you all been waiting for, the paper art of ox!

Look at how real the willow tree look. Its amazing they didn't fall apart when the person was cutting them.

Next Blog, paper cut of tiger~


Art of Paper Cutting: Rat

Paper Cutting is just a picture cut out of paper with scissors. Just like the snowflakes we used to make in elementary school, China has taken it to a whole new level. As early as the ancient South and North Dynasties, these pictures are placed on windows, doors, or lanterns to express happiness or their perception of life. The patterns on these pictures are usually inspired by events, holidays celebrations, folktales, animals, children, etc.

Since I am born in the year of rat, it should be featured first. The Chinese animal zodiac includes 12 animals. Some people believe the animal of the year you are born in, can contribute to your personality. People born in the year of rat, like me, are found to be clever, bright, ambitious, and have a strong ability to adapt to a new environment.  They are considerate of others, easy going, and good at house keeping.

This is a hand paper cut rat. Its so detailed, I don't understand how someone can hand cut this..
The next blog will be introducing Ox!