

Art of Paper Cutting: Goat

Have you ever heard of the saying, a wolf with goat's skin? I'm not sure if I translated it right, but this quote originated from China. This quote means is that sometimes a person may seem really weak and harmless on the outside, but deep inside they are really evil, so don't be fool by someone's appearance, take time to get to know the person before making any conclusion.

Since I'm showing the paper cut of goat in this blog, it reminded me of that quote. I actually know a few people who are like that. If you don't know them really well, you think they are a really nice person, but once you get to know them, their motives are so bad, it disgusts me. Anyways, enough with the lesson, lets talk about the personality of people born in the year of goat.

People born this year are found to be very social and can maintain a good relationship with everyone. They are very kind and tend to sacrifice themselves for the goodness of others. Before taking action, they will consider every aspect and problems they might encounter. They have a strong desire to seek knowledge and can spend money very wisely. People born in the year of goat have a humble appearance and they are love nature. They make a trustworthy partner and can take care of children well. Females born this year usually have a very successful love life while males need to be a little more patient for a happy ending.

I feel like this goat is a female as well, there is even a flower on it :)

Next blog, paper cut of monkey!

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